Cleaning the seas of marine litter

Healthy Seas was founded in 2013 to tackle the ghost fishing phenomenon which is responsible for the needless death of marine animals. Through cleanups with volunteer divers and by working with stakeholders of the fishing sector toward marine litter prevention, we collect waste nets and ensure they become a valuable resource.

We’re All in it Together for a Sea Change

Our approach contributes toward a solution to ocean pollution, now and for the future.

Nylon fishing nets are regenerated together with other nylon waste by Aquafil into ECONYL® yarn while the other types of plastics are also reused or recycled.

Our appetite to create new products and buy new products is infinite. The planet’s resources aren’t. But it’s okay because we can have both: new products and a better environment.

Nylon waste, otherwise polluting the Earth, is transformed into ECONYL® regenerated nylon. It’s exactly the same as brand new nylon and can be recycled, recreated and remoulded again and again. That means you can create new products and buy new products without having to use new resources.

healthy seas

A Journey from Waste to Wear: The Process

Fishing nets recovered by Healthy Seas enter the ECONYL® regeneration system, the innovative process by Aquafil that allows the transformation of nylon waste such as fishing nets and other discarded materials into first grade nylon. The regenerated nylon yarn has the same quality as virgin nylon from fossil raw material, it is infinitely recyclable and can unleash infinite possibilities for interior and fashion designers, creators and consumers.

Founding Partners

Founded in 1965, Aquafil is one of the main producers of nylon 6 in Italy and in the world. Aquafil Group is established in 7 countries and in 3 different continents, it employs more than 2.900 people working in 16 producing plants located in Italy, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Croatia, United States, Thailand and China. In 2011 Aquafil implemented ECONYL® Regeneration System, an innovative system that produces nylon 6 from pre and post-consumer waste.